Win your next tender

Three tips to improve you chances of winning your education tender in 2022.

After reading this whitepaper, you'll understand the importance of choosing the right hardware in your education tender. Based on research in the education market, you will learn about:

  1. The importance of long-term availability
  2. The certainty of a long product's lifespan
  3. The certainty of reliable deliveries

Download the whitepaper below.

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Table of contents whitepaper

  1. The certainty of long-term availability: from Proof of Concept to large-scale rollout

  2. The certainty that the product’s lifespan equals the installation’s entire lifespan

  3. The certainty of reliable deliveries

  4. The three certainties of ProDVX

  5. ProTip 1: Seamless interaction between systems

  6. ProTip 2: Brightness & product lifespan
